Indie Author Services/ Bulk Orders

Please read through this information before filling out the form linked at the bottom of this page.

Indie Author Services/Bulk Orders (this is for orders of 10+ books):  For this service, you will send me the books that you would like to be painted and I will spray and mail them back to you. This is great for authors looking to have special editions of their books for things such as PR boxes, kickstarters, giveaways, or books to sell at book cons.  For this option, it is guaranteed I will be able to work with you, as I prioritize bulk orders.

Pricing Info: Solid edges range from $6-10 per book. Stenciled edges range from $15-25 per book. Books with stenciled designs on all three edges will start at $20 per book. The final price will depend on how many books you are ordering and the design. I also politely request an extra book be sent so that I can have a copy for future reference and as a shelf trophy.  You must purchase at least 10 books to be considered a bulk order. 

If you would like me to sell your books on my website for you, please contact me as that will be a separate pricing amount. 

Shipping info: Shipping will either be a separate charge or part of the second half of your payment depending on if you pay in full or in installments. I will not know how much shipping will be until I have your books in hand and can weigh them. I am based in the US so please keep that in mind when thinking about shipping.

Payments for Indie Author Services/Bulk Orders: I am happy to split your payments in two if that would make paying easier for you. If this is the case, I do require at least 50% down to begin spraying your books. I will not ship out your books until your order is paid in full. If your order is not paid in full then you forfeit your books and I reserve the right to resell them.

If this sounds like something you are interested in then please fill out this form.

Indie Author Services and Bulk OrdersIndie Author Services and Bulk Orders